for our area from 10pm Wednesday (2/5) to 12pm Thursday (2/6).
Mixed precipitation expected.
Total sleet and snow accumulations betwween 1 and 2 inches followed by ice accuulations between one tenth and two tenths of an inch from freeezing rain and freezing drizzle.

The Montgomery EMA is looking
for volunteers to help with our organization.
As you know, it's imperative to have volunteers when disasters such as the 1972 flood, 1975 flood 
and more strike.
Or even having volunteers for simple things like providing help with local activities such as the July 3rd fireworks fundraiser, parades and other important events. 
No matter what, it's important to always be ready to help our great town of Montgomery
If you live in the Borough of Montgomery and are interested,
we'd love for you fill out the information form under the
contact us section atop this website. 
You can also see any member or contact Greg at 570-419-4866

Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet.

© 2023, Montgomery Emergency Management Agency

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Borough of Montgomery, Lycoming County, PA 

Montgomery Emergency Management

